Ask the panel a question
At each panel meeting there is the opportunity for members of the public to ask a question relating to the panel’s role in holding the Police and Crime Commissioner to account.
Questions must be submitted in writing at least 4 days before the Panel meeting. The process for submitting a question request is set out in our public question’s procedure below.
There is a separate process for putting questions to Police and Crime Commissioner, more information and an online form is available
Anyone wishing to put a question to the Police and Crime Panel is asked to meet the following criteria:
- Members of the public who live work or study in the West Midlands (except police officers and police staff) can submit a question request .
- Question requests must be submitted in writing 4 days before the Panel meeting by email to: or by the online form below.
- You must provide an address and contact telephone number when submitting a question request.
- The request must set out the question in full.
- The question
- must relate to the Panel’s role and responsibilities
- must not be substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting in the past 6 months
- must not be defamatory, frivolous, vexatious or offensive
- must not require the disclosure of confidential or exempt information
- must not refer to any matter of a personal nature.
- The Chair has the discretion as to whether questions can be put.
- Once the question request has been approved by the Panel Chair, the questioner will be contacted to make arrangements to attend the panel meeting to put the question if they wish to do so.
- At the meeting, the time period for asking and responding to a question will be 3 minutes.
- Questions will normally be answered at the meeting but in some cases, this might not be practicable and a written answer will be provided within 14 days of the meeting.
- Every question shall be put and answered without discussion, except at the Chair’s discretion to permit supplementary questions or permit further debate.
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